The Sports Science Institute SA

Partnering with The Sports Science Institute of South Africa - assisting them in managing and reducing the cost of their electricity.

Holistic Energy Solutions is partnering with The Sports Science Institute of South Africa (SSISA) – at their fitness, sports research and high-performance centre in Cape Town.

HES is assisting SSISSA understanding and managing their electricity consumption – and planning actions with them to reduce it. We are also assessing energy efficient options for heating the large swimming pool and the space heating of the gym, pool and  conference area.

Firstly, we installed smart meters at their facility and gathered several weeks of data. We identified an immediate opportunity to improve the Power Factor correction equipment which has been done – and has resulted in a significant saving every month.

Further analysis helped us and the SSISA Facilities Management Team understand how electricity is consumed throughout the day and over the week (the Electricity usage profile). We also identified the base-load electrical consumption (what electricity is used over the weekends and during the night.)

As part of our services, we also checked the accuracy of the municipal bills – which was important given that SSISA pays R330 000+ per month on electricity. 

We worked together with the SSISA Facilities Management Team to identify the key drivers of the electrical consumption – and we assessed what could be done to reduce the electricity used.

HES identified ways that to save electricity by implementing:

  • Quick-win solutions and/or small investments for immediate ‘quick payback’ savings – including behaviour changes.
  • Investment projects that take a longer and/or larger investment – providing SSISA with the cost of the investment and expected payback (RoI).


We also discussed the potential for the SSISA to invest in a large Day-time Solar System, the likely cost, tax benefits and expected payback (RoI).

The Team at SSISA were grateful for our work and insights which is assisting them in saving money, budgeting and planning for future savings.

By partnering with The Sports Science Institute of SA – has enable SSISA to manage the escalating cost of electricity.